Clearing The Fog

Wicked FPB 7 12

We took the afternoon off, went for a drive, had a gelato, and enjoyed being outside in the harsh winter for which Arizona is known. We’re down to rechecking basic assumptions (again), finalizing deck geometry, and fine tuning the hull shape. This can be a dangerous time in the design cycle.

Having put in a series of 18-hour days going back to the start of this project, we are so wrapped up in the details, so close to every aspect, that it is easy to lose perspective. This can lead to overlooking something that we’ll later regret. We guard against this by subjecting various aspects of the design to outside scrutiny. We ask the scrutineers to challenge us; make us justify the decisions in a considered, understandable manner.

It helps to clear the fog.

For more information on the FPB Series, e-mail Sue Grant: Sue.Grant@Berthon.Co.UK.

Posted by Steve Dashew  (January 30, 2012)

6 Responses to “Clearing The Fog”

  1. Ward Says:

    So is the Wicked FPB going to be your next boat?

  2. Steve Dashew Says:

    Howdy Ward:
    We are tempted, but the reality is we really love Wind Horse and do not want to be without a boat during the build cycle (an age related issue that prompts us to not allow too many wasted ticks of the timepiece).

  3. Bob N Says:

    Alright, alright, I’ll do it for all of us. Well CLEAR the bloody fog! It’s driving us bonkers!

  4. Steve Dashew Says:

    Hi Bob:
    Few details to finish, and then we’ll turn off the fog machine.

  5. Cattledog Says:

    Frost is sooo good! And no, I am not stalking you.

  6. Alain M Says:

    Right Steve,
    Never forgot enjoying every Click… French said savour, not sure it’s the right word in English…
    Savourez chaque instant…