Cruising budget

1. My boat buying budget has been reduced substantially by the crooks on Wall St. and the financial crisis they caused………….therefore my dream boat in the 100-150K range is now only a dream. I have my eye on the Tayana 37. I am 6’4″ and a single hander. I think this boat is a good choice considering my price range of 50-75K. I actually have an agreement on a very well found Ty37 for 63K. Any thoughts?

2. The often asked question is monthly budget. In your Offshore cruising book you discuss the issue but I’m sure things have changed since the book was last updated. Do you think a monthly budget of $3000US will be sufficient? Will I have to be careful? I would like to believe I can live quite well on that amount if I eat frequently on board and stay out of marinas most of the time?
I should also mention I would expect to begin my cruise in the Caribbean.

Best regards and thanks in advance,

First, I would blame the crooks in Washington rather than Wall Street, although there is plenty of blame to go around! Re budget, this is very much a question of where and how you cruise. Stay at anchor, do your own maintenance, eat what and where the locals do (always more interesting) and you will save on your proposed budget in many parts of the world. As to the Tayana 37, I am not familiar enough with its details to give you an opinion.

Good luck!

Posted by Steve Dashew  (May 24, 2010)

One Response to “Cruising budget”

  1. Hernan Says:

    Sir, I have sailed the caribbean to several places, and that monthly amount of money goes from plenty to too much. Tipically life in the boat is rather spartan, and simple and not less enjoyable. Anchoring in public places and eating in the boat makes a large effect in your savings if the boat is in good shape. The only way to spend heavily is commiting to it such as going to expensive marinas and eating in expensive restaurants on a routine basis. Good marinas, nice restaurants,shopping souvenirs, tours and other amenities can be reasonably and quality reached with less money than that.
    For sure you will have read that such money in africa, India, and far east is simply a fortune.
    Personally I have met a lot of sailors living with five hundred Us$ per month.Of course they were on the edge but there they were. In brief that money is an excelent begining for a very relaxed sailing everywhere in the world. Just feel confortable. Only an opinion. Have a nice sailing!.