Cruising The Florida Keys Slide Show

[slidepress gallery=’cruising-the-florida-keys’]

Posted by Steve Dashew  (May 10, 2011)

8 Responses to “Cruising The Florida Keys Slide Show”

  1. Bob N. Says:

    Again, fabulous photos. Thanks for them.

    Those kids have to be the luckiest on the planet.

    What size are the monitors on the bridge bench and do you think two 24″ monitors would come close in practicality?

    Am I right in thinking that the breakwater in front of the windlass is a new addition? If so what was your thinking and has it proven correct?

  2. Steve Dashew Says:

    Hi Bob:
    The monitors are 19″. 24″ might be difficult to see over when seated. Nothing has changed on the bow and there is no breakwater, but the windlass is about three inches/75mm below deck level to contain mud.

  3. Kent Says:

    Fabulous would be an understatement.

  4. Steve Dashew Says:

    Thanks, Kent:
    It is easy when you have good light, a clear atmosphere, and interesting subject matter.

  5. Zenon Tymosko Says:

    You waited a long time for frame #3 where the 2 birds are frozen in flight with Wind Horse in the background, didn’t you? Well done!

  6. Carol Parker Says:

    Some wonderful photos – the “birding” looks fabulous and the water is the right color for my taste!

  7. Steve Dashew Says:

    Thanks Carol:
    The water is actually a little too warm, close to body temperature! Next to Bosque del Apache, this is the best bird shooting gallery we have seen, and have been told that north of Canaveral, along the ICW, is even better, We’ll know shortly.

  8. ray Says:

    the low light, prime no flash fotos (partic in the evening of friends) have always
    been my fav and with good 50mm’s so cheap everybody should try them.

    great shots – tx!