Dealing With Rust Stains


Astute readers of this blog will no doubt have noted by now the absence of the rust stain on Wind Horse’s aft starboard quarter. The rust stain was a continuing nuisance, courtesy of a not so “stainless” steel smokestack on  our Kabola diesel heater (now replaced in non-staining aluminum). The rust stain removal took a half an hour.

For this magic we used a light phosphoric acid called “Ospho”, which is actually designed for steel. The cleaned aluminum is a little shinier than the surround area, and will blend in over the next 30 days.

Posted by Steve Dashew  (July 1, 2010)

2 Responses to “Dealing With Rust Stains”

  1. marcus petraska Says:

    i note that the manufacturer of your rowing dinghy offers a sailing rig for it.

    do you carry one on board for occasions when you miss your sailing days?

  2. Steve Dashew Says:

    No, Marcus:
    We did carry it, but it was rarely used so the rudder, daggerboard, mast, boom, and two sails are now in storage in Arizona.