After some 5000 cruising miles since delivery in March of 2011, I have some pretty specific thoughts on how Iron Lady is working out. Some were surprises to me. At the top of the list was that I felt safe on Iron Lady. While I can’t necessarily identify all the features that make the boat safe, between how comfortable the boat is at sea, at anchor and how it stood up to the punishment of a grounding all gave me tremendous confidence in the boat. My husband is also much more relaxed about things and that, in turn, makes me comfortable. My other comment was that I never would do what we have done on Iron Lady on our last boat. By the second day out of New Zealand to Tonga on our first really long passage, I was standing watch – something I would never on our last boat.
Our last boat had a traditional pilot house three steps up from the salon/galley area. I was very fond of that arrangement and the galley and wasn’t quite sure about the great room concept that incorporated the helm station, dining area, salon seating and galley all in one area. After 6 months aboard, I like this arrangement better –particularly the spacious feeling and wonderful views created by the ring of windows around the great room. It makes the space feel substantially larger.
To read the rest of Debbi Rossin’s post on the Iron Lady website click here.