Deerfoot/Sundeer History Update

Greetings again, intrepid SetSailors. Sarah Dashew here, with an update on our compilation of Deerfoot and Sundeer data. We’re excited to report that we have heard from 32 boats so far, with a total of 1,783,500 nautical miles and 21 circumnavigations combined under their hulls. The average mileage per boat is 55,734 miles. That is some serious cruising, folks.

And more are coming in everyday. Some owners have been kind enough to share from their personal photos of these yachts around the world, which we in turn are sharing with you. Also, at the bottom of this post, we have included links to various owner blogs, where you can follow their journeys and personal history in more detail.

But first, a SetSail contest:

We’re interested in learning some of your personal bests. Going on the honor system here (no cheating with photo-shopped speedometers), we are awarding two custom t-shirts to the winners for the following categories:

  • Most total mileage in each class: Deerfoot 62, Deerfoot 72, Deerfoot 74, Sundeer 56, Sundeer 60, Sundeer 64, Beowulf 80
    *Most total mileage overall currently reported by Deerfoot 74 Interlude at 149,000 miles
  • Fastest surfing speed ever recorded
    *Fastest speed currently reported at 32.8 knots on Beowulf in 55 knots of breeze in the deep South Pacific
  • Most miles in a 24 hr period
  • Fastest circumnavigation
  • Slowest circumnavigation

…And, in the honorable George Backhus category of reef sitting, longest period ever spent on a reef!

Photos are welcome and encouraged. Shoot me an email with your entries at

Two Sundeer 60s at anchor in Portobello, Panama.

Deerfoot 62 Astra reaching with her spinnaker.

Above, the lucky crew on Sundeer 60 Crazy Horse acquire some tasty lobsters in the San Blas Islands.

Sundeer 64 Raven anchored in Fakarava, Tuomotus, French Polynesia.

Sundeer 56 Tamarisk moored off Santorini, Greece. Brothers Jason and Piers Windebank have recently begun a circumnavigation on Tamarisk.

Above, Deerfoot 62 Moonshadow reaches merrily along.

 The Green Flash is not a myth!

Owner web sites:

Posted by Sarah.Dashew  (January 3, 2012)

3 Responses to “Deerfoot/Sundeer History Update”

  1. Scott R. Petersen Says:

    Sundeer 5606 Sleepy Lady
    17 seasons in the Caribbean; based in Road Town Tortola, BVI
    10,000 miles
    Still the same owner/captain. Hope to move aboard full time in next 2 years.

  2. Kurt Braun Says:

    Hi Sarah,

    Thanks for compiling all this info.

    Some corrections on Interlude’s statistics:

    She is a Deerfoot 74PH (not 72)
    She now has 2 circumnavigations
    We plan to return to the Pacific next year (currently in Maine with Wind Horse)

  3. admin Says:

    Thanks for the info, Kurt!