Hello from WA state, can’t tell you how much great info your site brings us, thanks for that! I was wondering if you have ever done research on cruisers’ favorite pick for an all-around good (at least weather-resistant) camera? I would assume most folks are getting into digital now. Any ideas? Thanks…we are selling out and moving on board next spring to play for the summer up here then head on down the coast mid-Aug. CAN HARDLY WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!! Warmly, Dianna
Hi Dianna: Used to be that the standard was Nikonos–but I suspect that is no longer the case. We have an Olympus digital–and love it. I guess the main thing is to wait as long as possible as the features keep getting better and costs are coming down quickly. Good Luck–Steve
Posted by Steve Dashew (December 30, 2004)