Dismal Swamp

Hi Steve and Linda… we’ve been following you for a few years now, never had a chance to bump into you. We just had on board Peter and Gail from S/V “JABIRU”, good friends of ours since Cuba and we were talking about their experience in the Dismal Swamp. We’ll be going down the ICW with DOMINO (65′ long, 23’wide power catamaran) and the reports we’re getting are conflicting. Some say it’s great to go down the Dismal Swamp, others say that it’s not so good for catamarans: log, debris, etc… Do you have any experience or suggestion to share? Thanks – JP & Marie Dufour, M/Y DOMINO

Assuming no hurricane debris, and four foot or so draft, you are probably OK. We draw 5′ and never touched, but we d id have some debris thumps on the keel and stabilizers, but nothing got to the props (which are fully protected by skegs).

If there is a lot of traffic you will find more debris off the bottom being shaken lose.

Posted by Steve Dashew  (September 1, 2011)

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