Dreaming About Ravens

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Carol Parker was kind enough to share some wonderful photos of the Sundeer 64, Raven, which she and husband Mike used to own. If you are stuck in depressing weather, waiting for spring, these will do a better job as an antidepressant than those little pills that are often prescribed. This first shot is near La Paz in Mexico’s Sea of Cortez.

2008 03 25 Wide Angle Sunset approaching Baja Print

Here is another photo from the Sea of Cortez.

2008 04 01 Ensenada Grande 2 24

And Ensenada Grande in the same part of the world.

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Isla Partida has a number of lovely bays, and as you can see here, you often have them to yourself.

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If you grow tired of Baja California, stock up, point your bow southwest, and head to French Polynesia. For Raven, the 2700 mile passage to the Marquesas Islands, is a pleasant eleven to twelve day passage.

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The water is warm, clear, and inviting. And if you thought the beer in Mexico was good, wait till you’ve hoisted a cool Hinano.

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You can visit Carol’s blog by clicking here. And view her photos here.

Posted by Steve Dashew  (March 7, 2011)

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