Folks, Love your site, I have it bookmarked for future reading and have the Encyclopedia and Surviving the Storm on my Christmas list. My question also has something to do with a Christmas list, as I certainly have a Sundeer on it, but don’t expect Santa to deliver it any time soon, nor a BEOWULF, as the case may be.
So, what examples are there for Early IOR/Late CCA boats that you mention in regard to “Bang for the Buck”? I don’t need specific recommendations, just some models that exemplify your point. I’ll do the research on what I can afford and what’s available, but I do need more than “early IOR/Late CCA”, as all I’m coming up with is an awful lot of editorials, criticisms, opinions, etc…about the rating systems and not about the boats themselves. Also, I haven’t seen any mention, so, have you thought about licensing the manufacture of a smaller design to a top quality builder? Thanks, Kip
Hi Kip: There are so many boats from which to choose it is hard to make specific recommendations. However, here’s a partial stab from the US late 60s, early 70s. Cal 40s, 48s, and 2-46s; C and C 48; Bounty 2s; Pearson Vanguard; Erickson 41s. However, there are obviosly lots more than these! Re: a smaller production boat of our own design, we’ve always built our own boats (with one exception) and not sold our designs. This has given us control over the end product. The problem with turning a boat builder lose with a design is the designer never knows how it will turn out. I guess we’ve been to control oriented to face this problem. Regards, Steve