Endings and Beginnings


Just when we thought it could not get any better at Playa Francesa, a deck of clouds moves in promising a spectacular sunset. With friends aboard to help conclude a lovely day at anchor we settle down to enjoy the moment. As you will see in the photos which follow, Mother Nature outdoes herself yet again.


Making this a particularly memorable occasion is the moon rising while the sun drops below the horizon.


Everywhere we look there are spectacular colors and shapes.


In a situation like this we shoot with three cameras.


We are using a 10 – 22 mm, 17 – 55, and 100 – 400 Canon lenses, on 40D, 50D, and 7D bodies respectively.


If the horizon is clear as it is now, so the sun can work its magic under the clouds,  and the show will go on and on.


The colors build their intensity until a last fiery explosion of reds calls for the denouement.


Lest you think the fun is over we now call your attention in the opposite direction. The moon is rising above the mountains, illuminating clouds, sea, and peacefully anchored yachts (most of which have cruisers transfixed by the beauty above them).


The next morning the display continues, only now reversed.


The moon is setting as we stand shivering in the early morning breeze.


Our patience is rewarded as the moon clears the cloud deck in the west.


Behind us clouds are beginning to show the kind of day they have in store. With this much vertical buildup already there is a chance of thunderheads this afternoon.


It may be an early morning after a very late night, but we are energized.


One boat is moving, local fishermen out to try their luck.


Finally the gulls lift off, heading out for their morning meal.

We might need a nap later today…

Posted by Steve Dashew  (October 23, 2010)

2 Responses to “Endings and Beginnings”

  1. Steve Davis Says:

    I’ll probably use some of these in illustrations. I should maybe negotiate a contract for SOOPER DOOPER images!
    Love the animal pics best, however.

  2. Steve Dashew Says:

    Thanks Steve:
    From you I take that as the ultimate compliment.