Exhaust temperature range?

We have a Yanmar 4 cylinder turbo charged engine of about 60 hp and would like to know the exhaust temperature range we should target when powering, as distinct from the Vetus cooling water alarm we have available to fit which will trigger at a relatively low temperature?
The boat is a Southerly 135(13.5 metres) of about 14 tonnes cruising displacement.

Appreciate your advice.


Hello Terrence:

You will need an EGT meter and data from Yanmar for this. In general, most diesels runs between 450 and 800 degrees F at their injection elbow, depending on load.

Posted by Steve Dashew  (March 14, 2011)

2 Responses to “Exhaust temperature range?”

  1. Daryl Says:

    By “injection elbow” are you referring to the water injection elbow? About how far “down stream” from the turbo are you taking the measurement?

  2. Steve Dashew Says:

    Should have been more clear in my answer, Daryl:
    We normally f it temperature probes where the exhaust gas exits the block. With most engines on small yachts this coincides with where the water injection elbow is located. But if you have a dry stack, or a riser leading to t h e water injection elbow (as on Wind Horse), then the probe goes near the block.