Favorite Anchorages – Secluded Bay, Baranof Island, Alaska

SecludedBayChart It is Saturday afternoon, football so far is boring, and having been on land now for almost a week we’ve been talking about some of our favorite anchorages. That lead to the thought that it might be nice to share a few of these with you. We’ll start with Secluded Bay, on the West Coast of Baranof Island, in Southeast Alaska. The arrow above points to the very narrow entrance. This was deep enough for the five toot (1.5m) draft on Wind Horse, but so narrow that the tree branches barely cleared our booms. Secluded Cove Baronof I 106 Once inside,  the bay is still, with several impressive waterfalls. Secluded Cove Baronof I 107 At the head of the bay is a cascading stream. Secluded Cove Baronof I 103 And  if you happen to be here during salmon season, the odds are you will be sharing the harvest with the locals. Secluded Cove Baronof I 100 The anchoring is not the best. The bottom is strewn with boulders, and the bite marginal, but sufficient with a really big hook in moderate weather. The bears are concentrating on their fishing, and it is possible to get within camera range using a 70/300mm zoom lens. The dinghy s secured to a rock near the entrance of the stream. Secluded Cove Baronof I 101 This is as up close and personal as we have been with the Alaskan grizzly. If it weren’t salmon season, we’d maintain a much greater separation. Secluded Cove Baronof I 102 The dinghy painter was arranged so it could be quickly flipped off, and the outboard was left running. There is a detailed post on Secluded Bay from 2006 here. And more general information on the southwest portion of Baranof here.

Posted by Steve Dashew  (January 5, 2011)

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