Hi Steve & Linda, Well we have made the first step!….I have resigned from my job and my wife has secured a two year leave of absence from her job (starting in July). Thanks in large part to you guys who have inspired us over the years we shall take our two kids 9 & 11 on a two year adventure. I am using the next 6 months to prepare the house for rent, sell my current boat (33′ too small) and buy THE BOAT. I have your book…it is my bedside companion…and have followed your website and FAQs. I’m going for waterline if I can find one in my budget–approx. $150K…we have been looking at the Hylas 44 and 47…your comments on this boat would be appreciated. We intend to spend 6 mos. in the Bahamas (our backyard) then on to the Caribbean. Many thanks!
Hi Guys: Congratulations! Sounds like you are headed in the right direction. Re: THE BOAT, I am not familiar with the Hylas’s. However, there are lots of good boats out there. You will find your best values in something a little older. Keep an eye on the beam to length ratio. This has a big impact on comfort at sea, and how the boat handles adverse conditions. Good luck. Maybe we’ll share an anchorage one of these days. Regards–Steve