Flying Bridge Forward Gate


Here is some tricky detailing in stainless steel. We are looking at the “gates” at the forward end of the flying bridge. These, and the other rails adjacent, will have clear Lexan plastic affixed as a wind screen. The gates are designed so they can be opened when you want air flow, and to allow space for an extra couple of friends to sit across the forward end of the table.


The construction details are not easy. Take these hinges for example.


They need to be be plenty stout as the wind loads can be substantial plugging into a gale.


The lock between the two sections of railing is shown above.

Posted by Steve Dashew  (February 2, 2010)

2 Responses to “Flying Bridge Forward Gate”

  1. Scott Evangelista Says:


    Was techniques do you use to isolate the SS from the Aluminum. I could see insulating flat surfaces like stanchions, but what about the bolts into the aluminum?



  2. Steve Dashew Says:

    Hi Scott:
    The stainless fasteners are coated with a anti-corrosive gel. The type depends on the service (some have a locking capability). We just removed a winch base on Wind Horse that has five years of exposure – and the fasteners came lose with a screwdriver – as expected.