4/30/2009 3:46 PM (UTC) position 56°13.56’N 004°20.15’E spd 10.6 hdg 009T

Barometer is up to 1020, wind is behind us(go Azores high!) and we are cruising in IFR conditions (heavy fog). However, traffic is light, just oil platforms around here, and between the Furuno 2117 radar and AIS we have excellent situational awareness.

There has been a very small salt water leak in the engine room for several years. Having checked everything many times to no avail, we are pleased to report it is finally crossed off the list. There was a slightly loose hose clamp on the salt water cooling circuit at the forward end of the starboard engine. Just half a turn on the bolt was all it took, and we are back to a dry bilge.

On the negative side of the maintenance ledger our water maker membranes appeared to have deteriorated during winter storage. Productivity is down to 25GPH from 32/35GPH last summer. Water temperature is moderate – 49F – and we doubt the salinity of the North Sea could account for the drop. We’ll give the membranes a cleaning once we get moored. Note that this is the first time the membranes have been during layup. In the past they have been periodically flushed with fresh water.

We have been studying up on Norwegian cruising options, of which there are many. Too many places to visit for one summer. Going to have to come up with a plan.

Posted by Steve Dashew  (April 30, 2009)

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