A lovely photo taken by Ed Firth of Circa, showing what every owner, builder, and designer looks forward to – launch day. This is Sarah-Sarah, the second FPB 64, destined shortly for a trip from New Zealand to the Pacific Northwest, on her own bottom of course.
This is the first time we’ve had an owner choose red bottom paint, and it looks, to our eye, striking.
We’ll try and get some photos of her interior decor for you.
Posted by Steve Dashew (July 13, 2010)
July 15th, 2010 at 7:08 pm
Congratulations on what will surely be another successful launch and shake down for hull #2. We cruise the PNW waters from our home port of Anacortes, WA, where we will anxiously await the arrival of Sarah-Sarah. You have changed the way we think about ocean crossing motorboats; from heavy displacement boats like our Willard 40 trawler, to lighter and faster, aluminum “cruisers” like the FPB 64. Bravo!
July 16th, 2010 at 3:20 pm
Are there any changes to future FPB’s as a result of the sea trials and time aboard #1. Everything I’ve read so far seems perfect, but on a project of this magnitude there has to be something you would change….or maybe not. Love the site. Keep up the good work.
July 16th, 2010 at 4:20 pm
Hi Scott:
Regarding changes, we are always fine tuning, but the changes are very minor. This is the closest we have come to the ideal straight out of the shop.
July 18th, 2010 at 8:03 pm
I’m looking fwd to the differences in owner preferences.
The journey so far watching “Avatar” and now “sarah Sarah” has been fantastic.