FPB 64-3 Iron Lady Profiles

FPB 64 3 Iron Lady 125

We have just received a few photos of Iron Lady which we thought might be of interest.

FPB 64 3 Iron Lady 126

She has her Circa designed aluminum skiff now on deck.

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To our eyes  it looks like it belongs.

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Although just 13 feet long, this skiff will carry a substantial payload.

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Finally, the swim platform with its access hatches open.



Posted by Steve Dashew  (February 25, 2011)

6 Responses to “FPB 64-3 Iron Lady Profiles”

  1. hk Says:

    Just an idea for another “coming home” option: take the outborder from the dinghy and mount it at the swim platform.


  2. Steve Dashew Says:

    Hello HK:
    We have done outboard brackets on a couple of sailing designs (the first time with Wakaroa 30 years ago). However, this is not a long distance solution with gasoline outboards. The outboard used with FPB64-4 is a diesel (rebuilt Yanmar) and as such offers more possibilities. We are going to study this onboard in a few weeks when we are in New Zealand for trials.

  3. Andy Says:

    How about a hydraulic driven outboard, driven from bigger sized (say 50-80KW) generator with PTO?

    Something like this: http://www.herculeshydraulics.co.uk/products/drive-leg.html

    Or custom outboard based on some hydraulic drive pod?

  4. Steve Dashew Says:

    Hi Andy:
    We have looked at a hydraulic PTO and drive leg for get home but tkink the separate engine and conventional drive is more reliable and puts more power into the water.

  5. Andy Says:

    Hi Steve,

    I fully agree on the efficiency, it is never quite in the same league as conventional transmission/shaft system (around 20% losses vs 7%). However I do think separate hydraulic (or even electric in the future, not quite there yet) drive leg idea of get home system has one pretty significant anvantage: If you have a hard grounding, hit a whale, container etc. the impact might damage both the main prop shaft and the wing engine. In this case stowed away drive leg type of system would still be in usable state.

    I’m really leaning into favoring this hydraulic drive leg system.

  6. Steve Dashew Says:

    Re stowed drive leg for a get home system, the problem is with waterflow aft of the transom, and the actual installation. This is not a big deal offshore, but in closer to land might be an issue. We do not like giving up the drag of the skeg for the get home prop system, but this gives us good protection, with a system that us ready to go with a button push. Also, you can get significant power into the equation more easily than with hydraulics.