FPB 64 # 5 and 6 Update July 22

FPB 64 5 and 6 July 22 2011 100

Here is a batch of photos from last week on FPB 64s five and six. We will start with putting lead into the bottom  of number five.

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Lead pgs are stacked in their entrainment areas.

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Then the fun begins.

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As lead ballast goes, this is a very simple job. The amount, shape, and mass of the surrounding plate and stiffeners are an easy combination of elements in which to work. Sailboat keels, with lots more lead, complex shapes, and comparatively light structure, are a different story.

When this phase is done, a lid is welded over the lead to keep it isolated from the fuel.

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Fresh water tanks are welded out now.

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A detail of an inspecton port base. The studs do not penetrate the top plate.

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And the fnal step, testing that the tanks are air tight with a manometer.

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In the engine room now, looking at the beginning of a hull cooling tank for hydraulic oil.

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The lid for the cooling tank is shown above.

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Rudder shaft and steering gear shelf are in place.

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Moving on to FPB 64-6.

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Framing is complete with bulkeads in place and deck plate on.

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Finally, a few details on the almost completed flying bridge/great room roof.

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Note the round bosses tacked onto the edge detail.

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These are tapped to recieve the bases of the surrounding stainless rails. Using a tapped boss eliminates holes through the plating and any chance of a leak. This is typical for all hardware.


Posted by Steve Dashew  (July 27, 2011)

4 Responses to “FPB 64 # 5 and 6 Update July 22”

  1. David Sutton Says:

    Hello Steve,

    You’ve peaked my interest yet again.

    1) I see some divisions in the bottom of the ballast compartments. Will the ballast fill those entire compartments, how many are there? Excuse my ignorance, but are those workers melting the lead in place? Is it just enough to fill the voids? How long does this process take? Lead melts at about half the temp of 6000 series aluminum, but would there not be any detrimental effect from prolonged heating? I believe the aging temperatures for 6000 series are well below the melting point of lead.

    2) If I am following what I am seeing accurately, the oil cooling tank is designed so there a is a path for the fluid to flow going back and forth around those sections of flat bar. So does the lid meet the hull plate at the top and bottom? I assume it will miss those limber holes in the frames.

    Sorry for overly detailed questions, but you’ve really got me thinking.


  2. Steve Dashew Says:

    Hello David:
    Quick answers regarding the lead:
    Those divisions are baffles for thee tanks, not for lead. The lead takes less than ten cubic feet. 5000 series aluminum is not affected materially by the process. Cooling tank details are somewhat of a trade secret.

  3. Aimede Says:

    Why don”t put solar panels on the fly bridge?

    The most sold size is 47/55 Feet why don’t offer this size, cheaper? ( i am interested by …;)

    Thanks , great job, great reserch in trawler.

  4. Steve Dashew Says:

    Hi Almede:
    It is possible to put solar panels on the bridge roof, on the house, or in an arch across the stern. We do not have the time to even think about anything smaller than the FPB 115 and 64 right now.