Are you ready for more deck details? We’ll start with some of the gear which is incorporated with the rub rail.
The pointy end has a lot going on in terms of hardware. Here we want to bring your attention to the bollards.
This is a look at how they are used. We think this system is far superior to conventional cleats.
One of the boom foreguy blocks. Note the stainless wear insert in the aluminum tang and the isolator between the stanchion and socket.
A little further aft, turning blocks to lead the foreguy and afterguy from the rail to the side winches.
Fore and afterguys run through rope clutches.
A small but important detail. This catch hooks the main door when it is open and can be operated with your foot.
Finally, a couple of photos of the dinghy chocks.
These are bolted to blind inserts inserts in the deck.