We love looking at the progress photos, especially the engine room (which is really hard to photograph). It is getting closed to being wrapped up and there is less confusion and more order now. This shot is taken from the engine room door, looking aft towards the port corner.
This photo is taken from the aft starboard corner, looking to port. The genset is in the foreground to starboard in the photo, and the diesel heater is across on the port side.
The port side locker at the aft end of the raised deck. This is designed for flaking a long stern anchor rode or warp for a Gale Rider or Jordan Series Drogue. The starboard side will be used with dock lines.
Aft starboard stateroom, starting to have wiring installed. The main DC panel is at the aft end of the office, easily serviced from the stateroom. The engine starting batteries are below the bunk.
A month from now these wiring chases will be filled. Note the wire ID numbers.
In the upper left the triangular plate is a line/weed deflector. Two more are welded ahead of the stabilizer foils. The two circular pieces top center are threaded bosses to which a hull zinc is attached. There are three of these.
July 2nd, 2009 at 6:09 am
I have with great enthusiasm followed your builds closely.
-From the first step on the Windhorse and now on the 64.
I tend to log on several times each day to get my fix 🙂
You keep coming up with solutions that are different from what I had expected. I am very impressed with your choices and feel they are indeed good solutions based on experience and knowhow.
Safety is paramount when you are out there on you own and want to get to dry land once in a while.
I have a few questions that I have not seen answered though:
?) What is under the sole of the aft starboard cabin?
?) How large is the blackwater storage arrangements?
?) How much height will be available in the “crawlspace” storages amidships?
?) What type of firesuppression systems are used?
?) Are the aft “series drouge” atachements strong enough to offer someone else a tow? -Or dinghies only?
?) Is the manifold on the propulsion engine cooled?
Enough Q’s for now. I believe you have designed the near perfect boat, thank you.
July 18th, 2009 at 1:06 pm
The area under the aft starboard cabin sole is sealed off.
The forward and aft black water tanks are each 35 US gallons coupled to Vacuflush heads.
Crawlspace in the basement is about 34″ (950mm) – with major storage areas accessed with the floorboards open.
We are using Halon fire suppression coupled with automatic shut down of genset, main engine, and diesel heater.
The tangs on the aft corners are designed to carry the Jordan Series drogue and enormously strong.
Not sure about your last question. If you are referring to the exhaust, the riser is insulated and air cooled. From the Incanel injection elbow at the top to the transom the exhaust is salt water cooled.
July 18th, 2009 at 6:42 am
What led to the specific lengths, 83′ and 64′, for the FPB series?
July 18th, 2009 at 12:58 pm
The length for Wind Horse was chosen for the eleven knot cruising speed, and to allow us some margin in hull shape to accept substantial additional weight for attentuation of motion should it be required (it wasn’t). The latter was a form of design insurance.
The FPB 64 (65 feet on deck) was chosen to allow ten knots cruising if required, with good engine access, adequate storage in the forepeak, with an optimized longitudinal stability curve for working in the most common headsea size and period. This length also allowed us to optimize the bridge/galley/salon area relative to the pitch center for maximized comfort with waves on the bow. It was also the minimum length which was required to carry an interior which would have a similar feel to the FPB 83.
April 8th, 2011 at 6:09 am
Any plans to provide access to the sealed area under starboard cabin for storage? e.g. via water proof hatch? tks
April 12th, 2011 at 5:37 am
Hi Stephen:
It is possible to use the area under t he aft starboard cabin as a sealed tank. But for general storage there would be ventilation issues as we want t he area to remain sealed. If used as a tank consideration needs to be given to the trim affects of its off center location.