I noticed in your video, BEOWULF: The Epic Continues that she has a fuel flow meter. I have been interested in installing a fuel flow meter on my boat (80 HP Perkins diesel) but have been discouraged because all small capacity fuel flow meters are designed for gas engines and do not have to deal with return line fuel flow. What model / brand of fuel flow meter do you use on BEOWULF and how do you have it plumbed to address the fuel flow in the return line. Thank you very much for your assistance. Downing
Hi Downing: We use a Flow Scan meter on BEOWULF. We normally run between 3 and five gallons per hour and it seems to work fine. Occasionally, when we are going slow–maybe 8 knots at 2 GPH it also seems to work OK. Steve
Posted by Steve Dashew (November 30, 1999)