The test of the high def video server has gone well, so we now have high def versions of more of the FPB 83 Wind Horse available online.
These videos include:
- Greenland: one of the great cruising destinations on the planet. From ice choked Disco Bay in the northwest to the spectacular Prince Christian Channel complex in the south, you will be enthralled by what you see. Click here for the Greenland video.
- The North Atlantic summer weather in 2008 was horrendous, with the British Isles and Western Europe getting hammered by a succession of intense storms. This video captures Wind Horse’s passage between Greenland and Ireland, as she hurries across the “Pond” between major storms. Click here to join Wind Horse between Greenland and Ireland.
- California to Panama, 12 days of idyllic seagoing routine. Part one is here. Part two is here.
- Transit the Panama Canal, head upwind through the Windward Passage, and then cruise the Bahama Islands by clicking here.
- Shortly after starting construction of the FPB Series prototype, WInd Horse, we put together a video to explain the historic database behind the FPB concept. This video, in two parts, makes for an interesting comparison between theory, presented here, and reality, which you have seen and read about elsewhere. Click here for part one.
- Part two of the FPB design cycle video is here.
- For the first long passage with Wind Horse, New Zealand to Fiji, we waited for a strong gale with significant post frontal winds, that would cause large, irregular seas. This was a final test in our sea trials and we got our wish! This video will show you the FPB 83 in seas to 30 feet / 9 meters from the beam, stern quarter, and astern. The video starts in a blow, and ends up surfing towards Fiji in the trades. Click here for a bit of seagoing excitement.
These links will take you t o the high def versions of the videos. However, if you want something smaller, you can chose different sizes on the bar across the top of the screen. “Web” is best for slow connections. “Hi Def” is for faster connections.
Posted by Steve Dashew (April 6, 2011)
April 10th, 2011 at 5:03 am
Hi Steve,
you might be interested in this ship: build from aluminum (although graphite-colored), she has a sailboat inspired hull and similar concepts like your FPBs.
Btw: since 2006, has become my favorite web site,
regards joerg
April 12th, 2011 at 5:34 am
Hello Joerg:
There are a number of look alikes coming to market. However, from what we can tell there are significant differences in the hull shapes to what we are doing. Still, it is nice to see the industry starting to follow, if only in a superficial manner.
June 15th, 2011 at 3:06 am
I have been absolutly facinated with this design but also with the incredible range you have been able to create here. From my understanding there are 4 65s out there now. How long does it take from start to finish to build? I think the removable stern extention is great. Am I correct in my reading that at 8 knots you would have a range of over 10,000 NM? What kind of head room do you have in the basement and engin room? One other thing I have to ask…where is the wheel, exactly how are you steering? Thanks in advance, looking foward to updates.
June 15th, 2011 at 10:08 am
Howdy Mike:
Build cycle is 15 to 18 months. The next available slot is #8 which would start spring of next year. Range is detailed here. Smooth water, no margin or allowance for auxiliary loads is indeed 10,000 miles. However, it will be safer and more comfortable to run at 9.5, and with allowances for other loads the range will be about 5700/6000 miles with the stern extension.
Steering is primarily with the auto pilot although there is a removable manual wheel.
Engine room headroom is six feet (1.85m) and the basement about 38″
Contact Todd Rickard ( for more up to date delivery data).