Hornsund Under Blue Skies

We were chased out of our anchorage this morning by a medium sized berg bearing down on our position. It was time to explore Hornsund anyway.
We cannot begin to describe how lovely Hornsund and its many glaciers looks under an azure sky. Then, to make things interesting, a modulating layer of clouds moves in. Within an hour we have a new series of vistas to entertain us as the clouds, mountains, and glaciers interact.
The GFS model, just downloaded, indicates a continuing fair trend, so we are moving north. Now that 77 degrees is under the keel why not 78, or more?.
There’s a fog bank offshore, but with minimal ice in this area (so far) the fog is not a concern.
We’ve been told that our mobile broadband system may work near the town of Longbearyen, so we will try and upload some photos and show you what we have been experiencing in the next day or two.

Posted by Steve Dashew  (July 4, 2009)

One Response to “Hornsund Under Blue Skies”

  1. Joel Nickerson Says:

    Steve and Linda,

    I wanted to congratulate you both on 42 years of marriage. It is an achievement not reached by many these days, but one made easy when you are married to your best friend. You’re at that stage in life that few will see from today’s generation and certainly the reason that makes all the ‘growing together’ over the years pay-off. Well done.

    I am enjoying your pictures and am a bit of a photo gear-head, so I have to ask-“what camera do you shoot with?” pardon me if you’ve answered it before in a previous entry….
