Hurricane Party

Screen shot 2011 08 24 at 11 14 27 PM

We’ve been working our way back from Maine, with family and friends.

MG 1442

Anchorages have been lovely, but not nearly protected enough for what is coming in the next few days.

MG 3212

Wildlife has been well worth watching.

MG 6283

Including our old friends near Cape Cod.

MG 6434

They seem to  know we are friendly.

MG 7212

We would have liked to spend more time in Nantucket. However the lagoon where you anchor is not the best looking situation for what will probably be storm force, or stronger,  winds.

MG 6283

We have a hurricane hole picked out, the awnings are stowed, and both spare anchors are on deck ready to go.

MG 6167

Between conversing with guests and curious onlookers, a bit of camera work, and working on the FPB 115 spec,  spare time has been in short supply.

MG 7450

And we have been preparing for the worst, weather wise.

The good folks at Maritime Prediction Center are saying Sunday is the day.

MG 6691 2

We’ll be ready.

Posted by Steve Dashew  (August 24, 2011)

5 Responses to “Hurricane Party”

  1. JimB Says:

    Took the sails off yesterday, may set two anchors at two angles off the slip today when I add lines. Storm track this AM has the eye directly over us Saturday night. If track holds, this will be a mess.

    Be safe,


  2. Zenon Tymosko Says:

    Could you try and take some video if/when it gets nasty? We cruise vicariously through you anyways, so we’d “like” to experience the stormy weather as well!

  3. Steve Dashew Says:

    Hi Zenon:
    We’ll have the cameras rolling. Stay tuned.

  4. Kevin Says:

    Watching you cruse on through Block Island Sound on Hope you find a good place to hole up!

  5. Steve Dashew Says:

    Thanks Kevin:
    Have one in mind.