“(One of)…the best books of 2002…Told with warmth, humor, and concern for their children’s safety, well-being and education with which every parent will identify.” Latitude 38 magazine
“An astonishing testamant to the resilience of steel boats and human beings…” Cruising magazine
“Into the Light is a passionately felt, wonderfully lyrical account of a family’s journey of discovery. With humor, philosophy, and its fair share of spine-tingling adventure, this book is destined to become a classic.” Steve Dashew
“An inspiration…a remarkable literary debut.” Great Lakes Boating magazine
“On Tuesday night I opened Into the Light; on Wednesday morning, I ditched my planned work and finished the book. It is a genuine accomplishment, and I was absolutely drawn (and happily almost drowned) in the story. I was unprepared for the dreaminess of the book-the seductive rhythms of past and present voyages, sea and land adventures, natural and human disasters and delights. I have read a lot of explorer narratives, and I am a fan of intrepid people and their stories (the Martins really are impressive). But I rarely feel I know exactly what is happening at sea as I am a genuine landlubber and am not sure I could tell a mast from a maypole. The details of rigging and bilges and bows, however, were so perfectly integrated into the action that I felt I was not only on board, but able to be of some use should another wind gust or ice floe assault Driver.” Michael Downing, author, Mother of God, A Narrow Time, Perfect Agreement, Spring Forward, and Breakfast with Scot
“…An exciting true-life story that ranks with giants like John Krakauer’s account of his Mount Everest climb, Into Thin Air…It is spell-binding and well written.” Lloyd Ferriss, Portland Press Herald
“Three years, 11,000 miles, family of five, 610 miles from the North Pole…Into the Light is a rare book, a well-told story blessed by adventure.” Greg Jones, Editor, Sailing
“The text sparkles…” Ken Bern, New Bern Sun Journal
“Dave and Jaja Martin have always displayed courage, resilience, and wit as they charted a course across the world’s vast oceans. But with Into the Light, the story of their remarkable three-year arctic voyage, the Martins have broken new ground in both their writing and exploration. A vivid account of a true family adventure, Into the Light delivers a subtle but important message while sweeping the reader up for one wild ride.” Herb McCormick, New York Times columnist and Editor, Cruising World
“Written for the whole family, from grade schoolers to grandparents…Three parts adventure story, one part pure practical advice…It all adds up to…(an) exciting read.” Wren Wertin, Vail Daily
“Dave and Jaja Martin tell of their experiences sailing to the Far North, on a meager budget and with three small children. This book chronicles their voyage, their growth as a family, and their philosophical development. Throughout the book they offer colorful aphorisms.” Book News
“…Much more than a sailing voyage into the high latitudes. It is first and foremost a study of the personal dynamics, growth, and development of an enchanting family on their voyage of discovery to untamed and unspoiled nature…(with) page-turning moments of dry-mouthed terror and danger.” Good Old Boat magazine
“…Best cruising narrative ever.” Kent Williams, Armchair Sailor Bookstore, Seattle, WA
“As I am reading your book, tears are streaming down my face…You’re proof of my belief that living in the moment and the Power of Now is the only way to live at any age. My granddaughter, who is a sailor and a conventional world traveller presented me with your book as a Christmas present, and I am ordering several copies to give to friends…May God bless you and the children. The gift you have given them is the most valuable gift that any parents can give their children.” Signy Schade, reader
“…It has been our bedtime story for the summer and (our daughters) have enjoyed it immensely…Your articles and book have allowed me to include my kids in your kids’ adventures, expanding their sailing horizons beyond our home waters. My family’s vote: Keep the stories coming!” Chris, Savannah, and Emily, readers
“Your new book…is fantastic!…Please write another book asap! You give us hope for our own dreams…Driver, please keep them safe.” Emile and Isabelle du Toit, readers
“…A real page turner…It’s just a delight, and I’m enjoying every word of it!…Tell (Dave and Jaja) how much I’m enjoying their adventures – and I’m definitely NOT a sailing type!” Sondra Lyman, reader
“…I have recently returned from a holiday in the Canaries and spent my time reading Into the Light. I must say that I found it a most interesting read. The style of writing, and the recollection of detail was extremely attractive. Please wish (the authors) the best of luck in their current cruising.” Dermot Mooney, reader
“I just finished reading Into the Light and loved it. David and Jaja’s writing style is refreshing, kind of a cross between Robert Pirsig’s Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, and Lin and Larry Pardey’s books. I am inspired by their shear determination for family adventure. This book is a wonderful example of a parenting philosophy that is focused on everything that is good.” Mike Montgomery, reader
“Your writing is so inspirational and informative, we know that the book will be a huge success. We think that you made the right decision to redirect the central theme of the book from “how to” to “why to.” There are lots of “how to” books out there, but the story of your family will change lives…We too are very much interested in high latitude sailing: and we expect that Into the Light (even the title is inspirational) will not only motivate us, but give some of the information that we will need in our coming endeavours aboard S/V Jean Marie. God bless your family and the good ship Driver. :-)” Tom & Jean Service, readers
“First of all I would like to complain that I haven’t been getting much sleep lately and it’s your fault. Because I keep just reading one more chapter.” Kim and Spider, readers
“Kudos to Dave and Jaja – and SetSail.com – for producing such a fine book…personally reflective, professionally (in terms of cruising) enlightening, and well-written prose! They’re awesome. It’s definitely more than just another cruising book.” Judson Berry, reader
“What a fantastic read, I couldn’t put it down!” Jack Coulter, reader
“I am almost finished with the book and love it…The book is wonderful.” Capt. Hugh, reader
“I think it is an excellent book.” Anne Hays, reader
“I finished Into the Light in approx. 12 hours! I could not put it down! You have captured our spirits and the possibilities we can give our two boys now of 3 and 4 years old. Carry on! ” Derek Endress, reader
“We are to bring the book we enjoyed most this year to the book club, and I am taking Into the Light.” Hazel Hall, reader
“Just wanted to let you know we bought Dave & Jaja’s book at the Annapolis sailboat show in Oct and have both finished reading it – it is POWERFUL, humorous and so well written that we can’t wait for the next book! I felt like I was sailing and actually feeling their experiences with them! Hats off to a wonderful book – we have read MANY sailing books but nothing so gripping as this one! Keep them writing!” Sally Pinches, reader
“After reading Into The Light I have decided to purchase and build a Bruce Roberts 55′ steel kit (curently under construction) and go cruising.” reader, by email
“I couldn’t put it down! I felt like I was with your family the entire time…I loved how each…adventure led into the next and the next, and you let the wind and your hearts guide you. You and Jaja inspired me, and your book has brought a lot of joy to a lot of people, and looks like it will continue to do so.” Richard Zinno, reader
- Click here to order Into the Light: A Family’s Epic Journey.