While we were busy marveling at how well Iron Lady handled the previously mentioned vigorous sea state, her owner, Pete Rossin, shot a couple of minutes of video.
We picked up the files this morning and you can view the unedited video by clicking here. The quality is amazing and the camera work very steady considering the conditions.
Posted by Steve Dashew (March 23, 2011)
March 23rd, 2011 at 8:19 am
What I found most interesting was the casual conversation in the background, almost like they were having cocktails…hardly the subject matter one would expect during gale force conditions!!! A remarkable testament to your design!!!
March 24th, 2011 at 5:02 am
Hi David:
We didn’t know Pete was filming and were discussing a particularly nasty piece of ocean north of the Falkland Islands.
March 24th, 2011 at 9:42 pm
The first thing I noticed watching my first FBP 64 video was – no windshield wipers. Rainex might be interested in an endorsement. It does work well. On Iron Lady trial # 2 video,what would you guess the pitch changes were? There did not seen to be much roll.
March 25th, 2011 at 12:17 pm
Hi John:
Rainex does work well, and Iron Lady could have used a second coat. We have not calculated the pitch change, but on average maybe three degrees with ten degrees on really steep waves.