Love your book which we refer to regularly. We have a motorsailer with an electric fridge which is not very efficient in our hot Australian climate. We have to run the generator almost constantly. We are not big fans of gas because of the dangers associated with it. Electrolux make a dual electric/kerosene fridge which we are contemplating. Could you please share your thoughts on kerosene fridges? Many thanks, Sally Luttrell.
Hi Sally: We’ve seen several cruisers over the years who used kerosene systems and felt they worked well. The one issue I recall is that they did not work well when heeled. That problem may have been solved by now. However, keep in mind that the compressor, whether kerosene, engine, or electrically powered is only one part of the system. To get good results you need to have efficient insulation, and the plumbing of the fridge system has to be done properly. Even the expansion valves, if not correctly adjusted, can substantially increase your running time. Good Luck – Steve Dashew