Puerto Calera and Lanzarote are looking better all the time. I turns out one can rent a car for a weekly rate of about 120 euros, insurance included, which makes it convenient to explore as time permits (they even bring the car to you). Yesterday we did a bit of reconnoitering for photo opportunities. The light was not conducive to anything wonderful, but we now have a handle on some local options for late in the day, once the clouds disperse. A few samples follow.
This used ti be a verdant, highly productive landscape. Then in the early 18th century Mother Nature decide she was bored and changed things with seven years of volcanic joy.
But even in the lava beds you find plants growing.
And the local fleet of goats can survive with the ground cover.
Lanzarote is known for its goat cheese, which we are now sampling on a regular basis, and can endorse.
The most interesting visual yesterday was this salt production facility.
A dry climate, plenty of sunshine, and two meter plus tidal range make this a productive endeavor.
There are also some wonderful patterns to observe.
And a few creatures as well.
Interspersed in the lava beds are the occasional cactus.
Which can take a bit of effort to reach.
We are willing to bet that within the next thousand years Lanzarote will once again be a good location for farming.
Right now it is a little on the stark side.
Which suits us just fine.
Stay tuned – the sun is shining (and we are getting caught up on work)…