
Good day, I am enjoy your site and also using as a reference source as I am presently having a 42′ aluminum cutter built.

I was wondering if you have and could post a detail/close-up look at your stanchion/lifeline setup. There are several pictures on your site which show an overview and it looks like you used SS pipe going into aluminum pipe stanchion bases welded to the deck. One picture looks like you used SS pipe for some of the lifelines. I would appreciate any details you can provide.

Thank you for considering this request. Cheers, John

Hi John: Details of this are in our Offshore Cruising Ency under the aluminum details chapter. Basically we use welded alu. Pipe bases, with support of some sort (usually on a frame) and then stainless stanchions. A plastic isolation sleeve is used between the two metals. Most of our life line stanchions are 30 to 32" in height and are of 1.25" diameter medium wall pipe. Regards – Steve

Posted by Steve Dashew  (November 30, 1999)

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