We commented earlier on the fashions we have noted within St. Katherine’s docks. As you will want to be up on the latest, we shall now add to these observations. We begin with Wind Horse wearing her privacy panel (aka weather cloth) for the first time. These are at head height, so the folks walking down the dock cannot see in, yet our interior view is only partially restricted.
Our six year old grandson, Ian, demonstrates the latest fashions for hill rolling.
Emma, now eleven is adding to her polar moments and therefore centrifugal energy with a flying pony tail. Note the difference in grass accumulation. Ian’s rain proof jacket remains clean while Emma’s fleece has now been through three wash cycles and still retains momentos of this hill below the Greenwich Observatory.
We’ve been showing you mainly sunny photos of London, which is an accurate portrayal of this spring’s weather. But there have been some wet days. Umbrellas are very much a fashion statement here.
Brits are big on headgear. This guard, with a very modern weapon, is wearing traditional bear skin.
The beret wearers trade off with the bear guards. Note the cool bayonet.
Perhaps our favorite hair accoutrement so far.
We know you will want to be up on the latest in socks.
A great example of the many uses to which you can put duct tape.
Can you imagine the effort it took to get these Jeans to look this good?
A street musician playing flamenco guitar. Perhaps his subconscious is telling him to switch to a different style (as in Mississippi Blues).
We are docked a short walk from the Tower of London, which we have now visited. This image demonstrates what to wear when your head is on the block. Note: if the choppers are in a kindly mood a sword is employed. We are told it is much less messy than the axe, which often takes more than one blow to finish its work.
We cannot decide who gets the Wind Horse London Fashion Award. But this late entry in the 2009 contest is a strong contender! How long do you suppose it takes to get dressed like this for your Sunday afternoon stroll? We hope there are two mirrors.