Hello Steve, I am sure you will know this design as it is not unlike yours. In your opinion is this a good boat to go cruising in? What do think are its good points and bad? I am concerned that it is very narrow and may not be a stiff boat. Also is the quality and strength of construction sufficient for blue water cruising. Thanks for any help you can give me. Regards, Andrew
Hi Andrew: Roger Mac Gregor is an old friend and has built lots of boats. And the 65, when in production, was certainly a lot of boat for the money. My recollection is that it was never intended as an offshore boat. However, on the surface–and without knowing its range of positive stability, I can see nothing wrong with it for offshore work. You should assure yourself of two things: first, that there is sufficient range of positive stability; and second, that the boat is structural sound enough for your sailing. Because of your area–Australia, the Tasman, S. Ocean, etc.–I would want to make very certain of these variables. Good Luck–Steve Dashew