Mainsail Headboard Attachment

I just picked up a copy of your new edition 2 days ago and haven’t put it down. Myself and several others with boats in the 40-foot range meet regularly to discuss our preparations for eventual bluewater cruising. Departures start next year and stagger out for the next 5 years. I’ll be promoting Offshore Cruising Encyclopedia as a purchase (investment) everyone must make. Here is my first question: On page 660 you show a picture of a headboard carrier with an integral sheave. (I now have 2-to-1 using a block on the headboard.)

Where do I purchase the type of carrier shown in your photo??

Thanks for the comments on OCE. Having just finished a major writing project (on weather) it is nice to receive some encouragement!

The headboard to which you refer is a custom item, designed for a Whitbread boat. However, if you check Harken I think they may have something similar.

On our boats we tend to use a webbed "D" ring, attached to the mast with two plastic coated stainless sliders, using a small-diameter hi-load block shackled on the "D" ring. Not as elegant as the solution shown in OCE, but about $5000 less costly!

Posted by Steve Dashew  (November 30, 1999)

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