Moving Day In Whangarei

Circa FP Construction as of Feb 7 2013 200

Big things are happening in the Far North of New Zealand. Moving day for FPB 64-8 has arrived. Hull number eight in this series has been moved out of its shed leaving additional room for work on the deck modules of FPB 97-1.

Circa FP Construction as of Feb 7 2013 201

You can get a sense for the length overall of the FPB 97 from this photo taken from the stern of FPB 64-9. FPB 97-1 is not yet wearing her aft quarter of the hull.

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In the photo above the first parts of the great room roof are being jigged up in the bay just vacated by FPB 64-8.

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FPB 64-8 is having its insulation installed. This material deadens sound, reduces heat gain, and helps to keep the boat from sweating.

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FPB 64-7 is going through final inspection and assembly. She will be ready soon to start the water builder’s trials.

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And the furniture for the FPB 97-1 is coming along nicely as well.

While all of this is going on down under, there is lots happening in the Northern Hemisphere. Stay tuned for some exciting news.

Posted by Steve Dashew  (February 8, 2013)

4 Responses to “Moving Day In Whangarei”

  1. Steve Says:

    Can’t wait to here what you have going on up North.

  2. Alf Says:

    Dear All,
    Looking at hull FPB 64-8 was the hull sand blasted and if so why?


  3. Steve Dashew Says:

    No sandblasting on any of the topsides. However, the bottom surfaces are blasted as part of the painting process.

  4. Steve Dunbar Says:

    Appologies – I have to watch that voice recognition software, should be “hear” in my last post.