Hi Linda & Steve: We have recently purchased your four-volume series and find them extremely helpful. We are just beginning our sailing career and are using your books to get that 10-20 year jump (as you say). The message that stands out more than anything else is the seriousness of sailing and being prepared.
Navigation seems to us to be the most important subject (at this point). We haven’t gotten to the weather book yet, however, I know it’s just as important but one thing at a time. We live in Phoenix and keep our boat in Seattle. Can you recommend a school that offers a good navigation course in Phoenix? We wish to keep our boat on top of the water unlike Jubilation and others ( very sad).
Thank you for your help and sharing of invaluable information. Cheers, Larry
Hi Larry: Phoenix – we’re almost neighbors. We’re headed to Puget Sound and AK in a few weeks so maybe we’ll see you up there.
As to nav courses in AZ, I would check the Power Squadron http://www.usps.org/e_stuff/Basic.html and perhaps American Sailing Association http://www.asa.com/
Further away, Orange Coast College in Southern California has a variety of courses on offer. I’m sure there will be a bunch in the Seattle area as well. Good Luck – Steve