Norfolk, VA – A Study In Contrast

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The transition from bucolic Intra Coastal Waterway and Dismal Swamp is startling. You exit the locks at t he head of the Swamp, pass a mile or two of countryside, catch osprey at their work, and then-

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Boom! You are in the heart of a modern shipping port and major naval base.

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The visual contrast to where we have been the last month is almost too much.

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We are definitely back in the industrial age.

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There are a variety of law enforcement agencies out patrolling.

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For those so inclined the “Naval” architecture on display is fascinating.

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Although we hug the starboard side of the channel, the better to study and photograph what our tax dollars have helped to create, we are not challenged.

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But the security appears t o be of serious intent.

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This marine is standing guard on the bow of an aircraft carrier. She appears well armed to dispense a lethal greeting.

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There are some interesting commercial vessels to study as well.

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And even a cruiser or two.

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Meanwhile, at the marina where Wind Horse arrives, Mother Nature’s offspring are in attendance. This local is less than 100 feet (30m) away, totally unconcerned with anything but fishing.

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It is still a bit too warm for our tastes, our I pad computer and washer are fixed, we have just learned we have family visiting on Long Island Sound (New York), and we are off to the Big City.

Posted by Steve Dashew  (July 15, 2011)

One Response to “Norfolk, VA – A Study In Contrast”

  1. Matt Marsh Says:

    Your bird shots always amaze me. When I’m chasing them, I’ll often fire off a hundred frames and get nothing but blur. They are not easy targets!

    Looking at this post beside the last few FPB-64 posts, it’s very interesting to note the underwater similarities between the dry-docked warship and the FPB. This does not surprise me; much of our knowledge of slender, efficient displacement hulls comes from the naval side of things rather than the cargo/fishing side. I do think they’re a much more suitable inspiration for a cruising motoryacht hull- the Navy prioritizes passage speed, a functional platform on which to work, and all-weather capability, while the commercial side’s need for massive load carrying ability isn’t shared by cruising vessels.