Norfolk, VA Poker Run (updated)

Norfolk polker Run 2228

One of the things we love about cruising is the variety of visual stimuli, and different life styles that come our way, in particular those with a marine flavor. In Europe we were in Cascais for an Open 60 regatta, and in Puerto Calero for the RC44 championships. Both were interesting technically, the people watching wonderful, and old world competitors do know how to throw a party.

Now, from Portsmouth, Virginia, we bring you a “Poker Run.” This is an event more in keeping with NASCAR than yachting, and these folks really know how to celebrate!

Before you think we’ve gone daft from too much cohabitation with unsailing, check out the photos which follow, the slide show (although it is R rated), and short v ideo. We promise you won’t be disappointed

Norfolk polker Run 1504 2

A Poker Run in the muscle boat context is both a visual and auditory experience.

Norfolk polker Run 1910

When you hear the barely muffled rumble of a few thousand horses at idle in close quarters, it sets the heart a pounding.

Norfolk polker Run 1901

Bare skin, tattoos, fancy paint jobs and lots of dials are part of the package.

Norfolk polker Run 1520 2

These guys are long, skinny, deeply V’d, and they will pass anything except a fuel dock.

Norfolk polker Run 1992

Putting those horses to work calls for surfacing props, half in and half out of the water,

Norfolk polker Run 2022

The press is out in force, shooting stills and video,

Norfolk polker Run 1539

of the action centered off our starboard beam.

Norfolk polker Run 2150

The expressions, clothing, or lack lack thereof, provided a look at the avant guard, and what will probably become next season’s must wear.

Norfolk polker Run 2259

In the midst of the party there are always a few who need the pacifier next to their ear

Norfolk polker Run 2266

Swim suits are in the majority, and decorum dictates they be correctly placed. There is a lot of positioning going on.

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And then we have the wet t-shirt contest. We are saddened to report finalists broke the attire rule and competed sans appropriate accouterment.

Norfolk Cruisers 1082 2

By 2000 hours the party had moved to a local hotel.

Leavig Norfolk 1005 2

A more explicit slide show, R rated in part, is here. And brief video can be seen by clicking here.

Posted by Steve Dashew  (July 11, 2011)

7 Responses to “Norfolk, VA Poker Run (updated)”

  1. Matt Says:

    This is the most unexpected post ive seen on this blog! Your comentry on the event is brilliant!

  2. Steve Dashew Says:

    Thanks Matt:
    Not sure I would call it brilliant, but we did have a good time, and Linda even commented on the rush that comes from all that power.

  3. Matt Marsh Says:

    “…and they will pass anything except a fuel dock.”
    So true. This same crowd comes to my town (Kingston, ON) late each summer for a similar event. One crew I was chatting with after the last run made a comment along the lines of “hey, we only used $800 of gas today!”
    Every year, there’s a bit of talk of “this isn’t in character for the city” or “so wasteful”. But what it boils down to in the end is money; the poker boat crowd have a lot of it and they’re more than happy to drop a handful of C-notes at a nice local restaurant before spending another hefty sum at the hotels and bars. And so the local business love it, and the tourism promoters love it, and it keeps coming back year after year.

  4. Tim Gardner Says:

    Brilliant! We have one here in Jacksonville and it appears all who participate are having some good clean (?) fun.

  5. Daryl Says:

    Well my day is not wasted because I learned something. I didn’t even know such a sport existed. Good to see they have found something to do with their toys.

  6. John Cornell Says:

    Ugly Americans……in every way.

  7. Steve Dashew Says:

    Howdy John:
    Beauty and the reverse is very much in the eye of the beholder. While we might agree if you specified some characteristic, say belt size, but broad generalizations are rarely accurate. We wonder if the same comments apply to the Old World populace we saw indulging themselves in the Balearic Islands?