Do you know of a web site that provides a simple, conventional weather map of North America, with pressure gradients, indications of highs, lows, warm and cold fronts, and especially wind roses in coastal waters? I looked up the links you provide on your home page (for which I thank you) but they seem mostly to be satellite images, which are very interesting but relatively uninformative, or oversimplified crude drawings that show wind directions, but no indications of strength or the underlying causes of the winds, i.e. pressure gradients. It may be that what I seek is there, but I haven’t had time or patience to ferret it out. Perhaps you know of such a site, in which case I’d be very grateful if you could send it to me.
Hi Robert: If you go to the links part of our website and look under “Weather Faxes / Text Broadcasts", you will find fax charts links for around the world. For N. America the best is which will get you into the Marine Prediction Center. On their site you will find listings of broadcast products and times (all of this is covered in detail in Mariner’s Weather Handbook). Good Luck.