Northern Exposure – November Passagemaker


The November issue of PassageMaker magazine has an article of ours on cruising Norway. The folks at PM have been kind enough to allow us to share the piece in PDF form.

If you are not a regular reader of PM check it out. To download the PDF click here.

Posted by Steve Dashew  (November 29, 2010)

2 Responses to “Northern Exposure – November Passagemaker”

  1. Ben Says:

    Hi Steve,

    Thanks for all the excellent info over the years, I have all the books and is excellent.

    I’m planning a cruise to Norway and was interested to read your Northern exposure article from passagemaker magazine (post November 29th 2010) but the link is broken. Do you still have the .pdf? would you be able to email it to me?

    Happy new year!

  2. admin Says:

    Hi Ben,
    We’ve fixed the broken link. You can download the pdf here: Cheers!-sarah