The last two mornings clouds to the east have made for wonderful sunrises. The marina is quiet, the water is glass smooth, and it is refreshingly cool. What more could you ask for? A cup of coffee and pastry? Coming right up at the coffee shop on the pierhead.
So we thought we’d share a couple of the images with you – hopefully viewed with a fresh cup of coffee at hand.
And a some odds and ends, starting with these cockpit cushions on a yacht called Marmalade. Somehow they go with the name.
Here is something that is on our list of additions. A water softener. If we washed down with soft water it would reduce the spotting that now comes with hard water necessitating a chamois or squeegee wipe of our extensive glass, plastic, and stainless surfaces.
Do you know what this is? If you raced keelboats prior to the advent of roller furling and luff grooves you would recall the good old days of stopping headsails with rotten twine. This was done with jibs and spinnakers.
At the other extreme of the technological spectrum, an extension of the black is beautiful concept. Whips and domes to match the black spar. It has us thinking about our antenna aesthetics.
We’ll leave you with a few more photos of the sunrises..
September 9th, 2010 at 5:28 am
September 9th, 2010 at 5:54 pm
Breathtaking! Reason enough not to sleep in! Enjoy your coffee.