Pilothouse for FPB 64

I was wondering what the possibilities of placing a Pilothouse like the one on the FBP 112 on the FBP 64? Placing it forward in line with the lower house windows and then having a “porch” on the aft section.

Hi Chrisopher:

We looked at a pilot house configuration in the original conceptual work for the FPB 64. In a vessel the size of the FPB 64 the weight and windage that come with the pilothouse forces changes in the initial stability curve which have a negative impact on motion. Combine this with the added height for watchstanding and the 64 becomes like a common trawler yacht – it looks good on paper or tied to the dock, but is unpleasant at sea. You also lose the very pleasant outside ambiance of the flying bridge.

Posted by Steve Dashew  (April 27, 2011)

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