Playa Francesa is what cruising should be. No crowded marinas, no crowds, just beautiful surroundings and a few like minded friendly cruisers (at the end of this post thereĀ is a link to a high res slide show).
To better set the tone we offer the photo above, taken by the crew of Interlude, from the caldera west of the anchorage.
The anchorage is filled with long term cruisers. The boats for the most part are no nonense set ups, showing the experience of their owners.
The surrounding terrain is stark, with colors and shadows constantly changing as the sun angle and clouds vary.
The ideal cruising destination needs a beach, and Francesa has abundant resources in this regard.
The shore beckons. We’re using our rowing dink, easier to handle if there is any surf, and good exercise (Interlude photo).
Others have the same idea.
Which leads to a beach party.
With music of course.
Mother Nature joins the chorus.
Sunlight, clouds, high relief terrain, a visual symphony.
Meanwhile on the point they say the fishing is good.
The water is warm, and inviting.
The next morning intense light illuminates the interior.
And there is more visual music to take in. First with overcast.
Then with clear skies.
And finally at days end.
You cannot have a group of cruisers in an anchorage like this without having a “pot luck” dinner. There are 60+ years of cruising and untold hundreds of thousands of miles sitting around the table.
With the seas that are headed this way will soon be saying “Adios” to Playa Francesa.
But we know there are other Playas in our future and sunsets which go on and on. It is what keeps us going.
Note for photography buffs: this series of sunset photos were shot in RAW format and aside from running them through the NIK noise filter, they have not been touched.
If you would like to see these and more images in higher res and full screen click here.