Off Cedros Island, 28 deg 14.3 min N, 115 deg 57 min W

28 deg 14.3 min N, 115 deg 57 min W Course 147 deg, Speed 10 knots
Greetings from the back side of Cedros Island off the coast of Baja California. Beowulf is finally at sea again and headed towards Panama. After 2.5 years of working on book and boat projects, it feels really good to be at sea. No TV or newspapers no traffic (well, there are lot of ships coming and going!)-just the rhythm of the sea, and brilliance of the heavens to keep us occupied-and a chance to catch up on our reading. We’ve the big reacher set on the bowsprit, an our mizzen genoa pullng us along with main and mizzen.The breeze is light, about 10/11 knots from the NW, and we’re ghosting along, enjoying life.
Posted by Steve Dashew (January 6, 2000)