Beowulf in the San Blas Islands

Transiting the Panama Canal, and exploring the San Blas Islands.

This is more like it! The water is 80 degrees F, air the same, and Beowulf is anchored in the lee of Porvenir Island, 75 miles east of Colon, Panama. There are palm trees, a white sand beach 150′ to windward, and at present the cockpit is filled with chattering Kuna women selling Linda their wonderful molas-only problem, there is so much to choose from Linda cannot make up her mind!

Our passage through the canal was uneventful.We had a Class 2 pilot (he is qualified for ships to 80′ beam, 600′ long, 34′ draft – so we just barely fit his category). Arrived Wednesday, measured on Thursday, transited Friday. We had a nice group of locals to help as line handlers – we’ll send a detailed report on the transit when we get photos developed.

Right now we are in cruise mode – finally. Meeting locals and yachties, snorkeling, reading, and seeing some new territory for the first time in years. Initial impression of the San Blas Islands – they are as wonderful as their reputation! And for an added treat, we are anchored abeam of our last boat – Sundeer. Imagine, two short-ended unpainted aluminum cruisers in a tiny anchorage a long way from anywhere…

Posted by Steve Dashew  (February 4, 2000)

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