1300 EDT – 21’48″N – 63’28” W. Nice sailing conditions – wind is SSW at 12-14 and we are now aiming within 20 degrees of Bermuda – doing an average of 11.5 knots. ETA taking into account jibing downwind is 0630 Sunday AM.
As we approach the frontal boundary the wind should gradually clock around to the SW-WSW giving us a faster and more direct angle. In the last two hours the wind has clocked about 15 degrees, so we are making progress on that front.
Speaking of fronts, we just cranked up the Furuno radar, and with the gain turned up a bit, we are seeing a band of squalls about 40 miles due north. Once we get into this area we will probably stow the two big reachers, and pull the forward deck awnings – so we are set up for the close reach/beat to come – and ready for a big increase in wind should it arise.
The sky is no longer a deep blue between the cumulous clouds. Rather, it has taken on a milky cast from the cirrus clouds up high, spreading out from the frontal boundary.
Shortening down like this in advance will slow our progress under sail, so we will have to motorsail for a while to keep up our “schedule” to arrive in Bermuda ahead of the potential blow. However, with a big boat like Beowulf is is prudent, and very cost effective, to stay ahead of the weather.
Closer now – just six miles on radar and the horizon is BLACK…