Snugged Down at Anchor in Bermuda

0400 EDT – The baromoter continues to fall, but BEOWULF is safe and sound at anchor.

0400 EDT – 32’23N – 64′ 41″W. The barometer has been falling slowly but steadily for the last 16 hours. The sky is now 100% overcast, although the wind remains light from the northeast at around 10-12 knots. Signs that something in on the way.

However, Beowulf and her crew are snugged down at anchor, with plenty of room to swing for a NE to NW blow. The anchor is well dug in, her sheets and halyards are coiled down, the dink is over the side, and the bathwater is running in the forward tub. By the time we’re cleaned up and have a short nap, it will be time to visit customs and clear in.

So ends this voyage…

Posted by Steve Dashew  (May 6, 2001)

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