Headed to Maine

The Dashews and BEOWULF head up the coast to Maine, where they plan to catch up on some much-needed R&R.

BEOWULF and crew are underway from Cape Cod towards Maine. We were hoping for some breeze, and had a lovely sail out from Hyannis, but now it looks like the breeze is going to drop with the sunset, so we’ve probably got a 16-hour motorboat ride ahead of us. Those of you with mojo beads – please send us 25 knots from the southeast or west (but no northeasters please!).

It feels good not being able to see land-even if we know it is just a little way off in the haze. Tomorrow we’ll probably stop in Camden, picking up some fresh fruit and veggies (Hyannis, where we’ve been working for the past week, does not seem to have much in the way of markets close to the harbor). Then we’re going to chill for a while. It’s been a long year-too much work and not enough play. We aim to rectify that imbalance in our lives over the next few years! Never having really cruised Maine before we’re looking forward to checking out the situation-and avoiding the lobster pots.

We’re planning on taking it easy, so that we close with shallow water around Monhegan Island-where the lobster pot infestation starts-at first light. Looking forward to the Seven Seas Cruising Association jam on Saturday. If any of you SetSailors are around Maine over the next month, and see BEOWULF anchored, come by for a chat.

The breeze looks like it is coming back for a while, so we’ll close this note and go on deck to reset the main and mizzen code zero reachers.

Posted by Steve Dashew  (August 3, 2001)

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