0100 – The wind is beginning to head us. First going 080, then 090, and finally 097 true. This is the wind shift we’ve been awaiting and we tack onto starboard to take advantage, and put some distance between us and the Colombian coast.
0400 – The wind has backed to 100 true, and we are making a course of 055. We are very pleased with ourselves for being “in phase” with the wind shifts.
0618 – The AM surface analysis weather fax shows a bend in the isotachs headed towards us. This means a shift to the northeast, which would allow us to tack back to port and head for Venezuela.
1128 – We heave to to check the rig and conditions on deck in general, and then decide to try our “conventional” motorsailing rig. Staysail is furled, the main is hoisted with a double reef, and we tack heading in on a course of 100 to 110 true. The engine is at 2000 rpm’s, true wind at 28 degrees and the apparent wind at 18/20. This keeps the main filled and provides a small amount of drive. But the major objective for the reefed main is to steady our motion. Speed made good on course is up 20%, there is less water on deck, and BEOWULF is much more comfortable.