Resting peacefully on the Harbor Police Dock in San Diego.
0545 hours. The San Diego outer sea buoy is abeam. We’ve had light airs and pleasant motoring conditions most of the night. Beowulf’s crew has showered, shaved (where appropriate) and put on clean clothes – we want to look presentable after all.
For the past hour we’ve been stowing sails, running rigging, and jack lines. The fenders and dock lines are on deck.
We’re resting peacefully on the Harbor Police dock. We’ve called US Customs, and expect an agent in the next couple of hours to do our clearance.
With a little over 3100 miles on the log since Balboa, Panama, and 4300 miles from Virgin Gorda in the BVI, so ends this voyage.
Posted by Steve Dashew (June 17, 2002)