Preparing for a Gale in the Gulf of Tehuantepec

Preparing for a gale in the Gulf of Tehuantepec, 17 deg 13.6 min N, 102 deg 36.8 min W

17 deg 13.6 min N, 102 deg 36.8 min W Course 097 deg, Speed 10 knots

Why would you stay at anchor when you can sail like this? Since just after leaving Mananillo yeserday, we’ve had a lovely sail-smooth seas, wind in the 10-13 knot range-with spinnaker and mizzen genoa provding extra power. Our WH Autopilot has been steering us downwind at our target wind angles (where it adjusts apparent wind angle for true wind speed for best VMG) and Beowulf has been flying along for the conditions.

Steve Dashew, Linda Dashew

Cruising with twin spinnakers on an earlier voyage.

It’s early AM now. We’ve had a wonderful sunrise and the wind has switched to light and offshore (the on/offshore flow is common diurnal sequence in this prt of the world). Engine is on and we’re motorsailing-still in smooth seas.

The only negatve in this picture is our deck-littered with squid whch have been coming aboard at night. We’ve discovered the best way to deal with this is wait 24 hours until they’ve dried out.

Conditions are sure to change (improve?) ahead. There is a big high pressure pushing down into the Gulf of Mexico creating gales in the Gulf of Tehuantepec. We’ll set ourselves up for this by closing with the coast just after Acapulco. From there, rather than hug the shore as most boats do, we’ll probably reach across the Gulf directly. We’ll set the heavy staysail and reef main and mizzen as required.

The tricky part of this is the wind angle. As long as it stays a reach-which it should-Beowulf and crew will be content. But sometimes the isobars bend and you find yourself beating-an unpleasnt prospect in short, steep waves! It this is going to occur, we are better off sailing the longer route involved in hugging the shore.

You can check the forecasts we are recieving on our fax on the internet at .

Posted by Steve Dashew  (January 14, 2000)

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